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2023 Launch Archives

2023 Orbital Launch Statistics

CountryLaunchesSuccessesFailuresPartial Failures
North Korea3120
South Korea2200
United States*11610961

*Note: Rocket Lab launches are Included in United States

* Note: Doesn't Include Blue Origin and Virgin Galactic Launches

This page shows the completed space launches from around the globe since 2023. Dates and times are given in Indian Standard Time(IST) and Coordinated Universal Time(UTC).

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Launch Time: 5:43 IST(00:13 UTC)

Launch Site: SLS-2, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China

Chinese Long March 2C rocket launched SatNet test satellites

Launch Time: 9:31 IST(4:01 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched 23 Starlink satellites

Launch Time: 6:37 IST(1:07 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-39A, Kennedy Space Center, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Launched Falcon Heavy Carrying X-37B Spacecraft

Launch Time: 12:33 IST(7:03 UTC)

Launch Site: Site 43/4, Plesetsk Cosmodrome, Russia

Russia launched a military satellite for unknown purpose.

Launch Time: 12:20 IST(6:50 UTC)

Launch Site: Site 95A, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China

China launched Kuaizhou 1A carrying Tianmu a small meteorlogy research satellite.

Launch Time: 8:56 IST(3:26 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-2, Xichang Satellite Launch Center, China

China launched Long March 3B/YZ-1 carrying BeiDou-3 a navigation satellite.

Launch Time: 4:09 IST(22:39 UTC)

Launch Site: Bo Run Jiu Zhou Barge, Chinese Coastal Waters

China launched Long March 11H rocket carrying 3 Shiyan 24C.

Launch Time: 6:30 IST(1:00 UTC)

Launch Site: Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China

CASIC launched 4 Tianmu-1 small meteorology research satellites

Launch Time: 18:41 IST(13:11 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-4E, Vandenberg SFB, California, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched Sarah 2 & 3 two passive reflector antenna radar satellites

Launch Time: 11:03 IST(5:33 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched 23 Starlink satellites.

Launch Time: 23:02 IST(5:32 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-2W, Vandenberg SFB, California, USA

Firefly launched Alpha rocket on Fly the Lightning Mission carrying Lockheed Martin’s new wideband Electronically Steerable Antenna (ESA) technology integrated on a Terran Orbital Nebula satellite bus, But the launch ended up in a partial failure as Stage 2 2nd burn suffered problems and did not deliver the payload to its precise target orbit. Communication to the spacecraft has been established and mission operations are now underway.

Launch Time: 14:18 IST(8:48 UTC)

Launch Site: Plesetsk Cosmodrome, Russia

Russian air force launched military satellite.

Launch Time: 22:12 IST(16:42 UTC)

Launch Site: Launch Site One, West Texas, Texas, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

Blue Origin launched New Shepard on a Sub-orbital flight carrying 33 science and research payload from Launch Site One, West Texas, Texas, USA. This is the first mission after NS-23 mishap 15 months ago.

Launch Time: 9:31 IST(4:01 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched 23 Starlink satellites.

Launch Time: 12:30 IST(7:00 UTC)

Launch Site: Site 95A, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China

Chinese private company launched Hyperbola-1 carrying a Porotype recoverable experiment spacecraft for AZSPACE.

Launch Time: 14:47 IST(7:00 UTC)

Launch Site: Site 95A, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China

Russia launched Soyuz rocket carrying Arktika-M a remote sensing satellite.

Launch Time: 19:15 IST(13:45 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-101, Wenchang Space Launch Site, China

Chinese Long March 5 launched unknown payload.

Launch Time: 9:35 IST(4:05 UTC)

Launch Site: Māhia Peninsula, New Zealand

Re-Watch the launch HERE 

Rocket Lab launched The Moon God Awakens mission carrying QPS-SAR-5 a Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR) satellite.

Launch Time: 19:42 IST(14:12 UTC)

Launch Site: SLS-1, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China

China launched Long March 2F/T carrying 3rd experimental Spaceplane.

Launch Time: 7:28 IST(1:58 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-3, Xichang Satellite Launch Center, China

Chinese Long March 2D rocket launched 3 Yaogan 39 reconnaissance satellites.

Launch Time: 5:09 IST(23:39 UTC)

Launch Site: Site 96, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China

Chinese private company Landspace launched ZhuQue-2 on a first operational launch.

Launch Time: 13:33 IST(8:03 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-4E, Vandenberg SFB, California, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched 22 Starlink satellites.

Launch Time: 10:37 IST(5:07 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched 23 Starlink satellites.

Launch Time: 10:37 IST(5:07 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched 23 Starlink satellites.

Launch Time: 00:54 IST(19:27 UTC)

Launch Site: Area 6, Chinese Coastal Waters

China launched Jielong-6 rocket carrying SatNet test satellite.

Launch Time: 5:03 IST(23:33 UTC)

Launch Site: Site 95A, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China

Chinese private company Galactic Energy launched Ceres-1 carrying an Tianyan-16 & Starpool-01A 2 Earth observation satellites for Minospace & ELLISPACE.

Launch Time: 10:30 IST(5:00 UTC)

Launch Site: ADD Offshore launch platform, Jeju Island, South Korea

South Korea launched first test flight of small satellite launch vehicle carrying Prototype small synthetic-aperture radar (SAR)

Launch Time: 9:40 IST(4:10 UTC)

Launch Site: SLS-2, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China

China launched Long March 2C rocket carrying MisrSat-2 a Earth Observation Satellite for Egypt and Starpool-02A/B a communication, remote sensing and navigation satellite.

Launch Time: 9:30 IST(4:00 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched 23 Starlink satellites.

Launch Time: 23:48 IST(18:18 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-4E, Vandenberg SFB, California, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched 425 Project Flight 1 a reconnaisaance satellite for South Korea and other multiple payload.

Launch Time: 14:55 IST(9:25 UTC)

Launch Site: Site 31/6, Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan

Russia launched cargo resupply mission to the ISS.

Launch Time: 9:50 IST(4:20 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched 23 Starlink internet satellite.

Launch Time: 14:28 IST(8:58 UTC)

Launch Site: Plesetsk Cosmodrome, Russia

Russian Air Force launched surveillance satellite.

Launch Time: 15:30 IST(10:00 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-3, Xichang Satellite Launch Center, China

Chinese Long March 2D/YZ-3 rocket launched 3 SatNet test Satellites

Launch Time: 13:17 IST(7:47 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched 23 Starlink internet satellite.

Launch Time: 19:12 IST(1:42 UTC)

Launch Site: Pad 2, Sohae Satellite Launching Station, North Korea

North Korea launched Chŏllima 1 carrying Manligyeong 1 a military reconnaissance satellite. This is the third attempt to launch this kind of satellite, and the first successful one, becoming North Korea’s 3rd satellite in orbit.

Launch Time: 16:00 IST(10:30 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-4E, Vandenberg SFB, California, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched 22 Starlink internet satellite.

Launch Time: 18:32 IST(13:02 UTC)

Launch Site: Orbital Launch Pad A, Starbase, Texas, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

Starship successfully lifted off under the power of all 33 Raptor engines on the Super Heavy Booster and made it through a successful stage separation. The booster experienced a rapid unscheduled disassembly after its boostback burn following the successful stage separation while Starship’s 6 second stage Raptor engines fired for several minutes as the Ship climbed to an altitude of ~150 kilometers.

Launch Time: 10:35 IST(5:05 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched 23 Starlink internet satellite.

Launch Time: 9:25 IST(3:55 UTC)

Launch Site: SLS-2, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China

Chinese Long March 2CC rocket launched Haiyang 3 a ocean color measurements satellite.

Launch Time: 2:38 IST(21:08 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched O3b mPower satellite a broadband internet satellite.

Launch Time: 00:19 IST(18: 49 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-4E, Vandenberg SFB, California, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched Transporter 9 mission a ride share program carring a 90 satellites.

Launch Time: 6:58 IST(00:28 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-39A, Kennedy Space Center, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched cargo resupply mission to the space station.

Launch Time: 16:53 IST(11:23 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-2, Xichang Satellite Launch Center, China

Chinese Long March 3B/E launched ChinaSat 6E a Geostationary direct broadcast comsat fo China Satcom

Launch Time: 10:35 IST(5:05 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched 23 Starlink internet satellite.

Launch Time: 6:07 IST(00:37 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched 23 Starlink internet satellite.

Launch Time: 20:24 IST(14:54 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-201, Wenchang Space Launch Site, China

Chinese Long March 7A rocket launched TJSW-10 a classified communication satellite.

Launch Time: 21:14 IST(15:44 UTC)

Launch Site: VMS Eve, Spaceport America, New Mexico, USA

Virgin Galactic launched 5th crewed sub orbital flight.

Launch Time: 4:20 IST(21:50 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-9A, Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center, China

Chinese Long March 6A rocket launched Tianhui 5 a cartographic suurveying satellite.

Launch Time: 4:50 IST(23:20 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched 23 Starlink internet satellite.

Launch Time: 14:30 IST(9:00 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-4E, Vandenberg SFB, California, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched 22 Starlink internet satellite.

Launch Time: 11:34 IST(6:04 UTC)

Launch Site: Plesetsk Cosmodrome, Russia

Russian Airforce launched Lotos-S1 next-generation ELINT satellite system

Launch Time: 8:44 IST(3:14 UTC)

Launch Site: SLS-1, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China

China launched crewed flight to the Tiangong Space Station

Launch Time: 1:33 IST(20:03 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-3, Xichang Satellite Launch Center, China

Chinese Long March 2D rocket to launch Yaogan 39 a reconnaissance satellite

Launch Time: 1:33 IST(20:03 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-3, Xichang Satellite Launch Center, China

Chinese Long March 2D rocket to launch Yaogan 39 a reconnaissance satellite

Launch Time: 7:47 IST(2:17 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched 23 Starlink internet satellite.

Launch Time: 13:52 IST(08:23 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-4E, Vandenberg SFB, California, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched 21 Starlink internet satellite.

Launch Time: 6:09 IST(00:39 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched 22 Starlink internet satellite.

Launch Time: 6:24IST(00:54 UTC)

Launch Site: SLS-2, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China

China to launch Long March 2D rocket carrying Yunhai-1 meteorological satellite

Launch Time: 4:31 IST(23:01 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched 22 Starlink internet satellite.

Launch Time: 4:31 IST(23:01 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched 22 Starlink internet satellite.

Launch Time: 19:49 IST(14:19UTC)

Launch Site: LC-39A, Kennedy Space Center, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon Heavy launched Psyche a planned orbiter mission that will explore the origin of planetary crores by studying the metallic asteroid 16 Psyche.

Launch Time: 13:13 IST(7:43 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-4E, Vandenberg SFB, California, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched 21 Starlink internet satellite.

Launch Time: 7:06 IST(01:36 UTC)

Launch Site: ELV-1, Guiana Space Centre, French Guiana, France

Re-Watch the launch HERE

Arianspace launched Veag rocket carrying THEOS-2, TRITON & SSMS satellites.

Launch Time: 23:36 IST(18:06 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-41, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

ULA launched 2 Amazon’s Project Kuiper prototype internet satellite 

Launch Time: 21:40 IST(16:10 UTC)

Launch Site: VMS Eve, Spaceport America, New Mexico, USA

Virgin Galactic to launched 4 crewed sub orbital flight.

Launch Time: 11:06 IST(5:36 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched 22 Starlink internet satellite.

Launch Time: 5:54 IST(00:54 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-3, Xichang Satellite Launch Center, China

China to launch Long march 2D rocket carrying 3 Yaogan 39 a reconnaissance satellites

Launch Time: 7:30  IST(2:00 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX launched 22 Starlink satellites.

Launch Time: 11:30 IST(6:00 UTC)

Launch Site: Launch Platform, Shahrud Missile Test Site, Iran

Iran launched 3 military satellite for unknown purpose.

Launch Time: 1:45 IST(20:15 UTC)

Launch Site: SLS-2, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China

China to launch Long march 4C rocket carrying Yaogan 33 millitary remote sensing satellite.

Launch Time: 14:18 IST(8:48 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-4E, Vandenberg SFB, California, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX launched 21 Starlink satellites.

Launch Time: 9:08 IST(3:38 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX launched 22 Starlink satellites.

Launch Time: 10:29 IST(4:59 UTC)

Launch Site: Site 95A, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China

Chinese commerical company Galactic Engery to launched Autumn Sonata mission but launch has been declared failure.

Launch Time: 9:08 IST(3:38 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX launched 22 Starlink satellites.

Launch Time: 12:25 IST(6:55 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-1B, Māhia Peninsula, New Zealand

Re-Watch the launch HERE

Rocket Lab launched Acadia Mission 2 a imagaing and communication satellite but failed to reach the orbit due an issue with secodn stage.

Launch Time: 9:43 IST(4:13 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-3, Xichang Satellite Launch Center, China

China to launch unknown payload onboard Long March 2D rocket.

Launch Time: 9:08 IST(3:38 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched 22 Starlink satellites

Launch Time: 21:14 IST(3:44 UTC)

Launch Site: Site 31/6, Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan

Crew: Oleg Kononenko, Nikolai Chub, and Loral O’Hara

Russia launched crewed flight to the International Space Station

Launch Time: 7:57 IST(2:27 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-2W, Vandenberg SFB, California, USA

Firefly launched Alpha rocket on its 3rd mission carrying VICTUS NOX a payload for US Space Force.

Launch Time: 12:27 IST(6:57 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-4E, Vandenberg SFB, California, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched 21 Starlink satellites

Launch Time: 18:17 IST(12:47 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-41, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

ULA launched Atlas V 551 rocket carrying a classifed payload for US Airforce and National Reconnaissance Office 

Launch Time: 10:00 IST(4:30 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-9A, Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center, China

Chinese Long March 6A to launched Yaogan 40 a reconnaissance satellite

Launch Time: 8:42 IST(3:12 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched 22 Starlink satellites

Launch Time: 20:52 IST(15:22 UTC)

Launch Site: VMS Eve, Spaceport America, New Mexico, USA

Crew: Ken Baxter, Timothy Nash, Adrian Reynard

Virgin Galactic launched SpaceShip Two on a 3rd suborbital crew mission

Launch Time: 5:12 IST (23:42 UTC)

Launch Site: LA-Y1, Tanegashima Space Center, Japan

Re-Watch the launch HERE

Japanese H-2A rocket, designated H-2A F47, launched the X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission, or XRISM, a joint project between the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency and NASA. JAXA’s Smart Lander for Investigating Moon, or SLIM, mission will fly as a rideshare on this launch, heading to the moon to test precision landing technology. 

Launch Time: 23:44 IST (18:14 UTC)

Launch Site: SLS-2, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China

China launched Long March 4C rocket carrying Yaogan 33 a military remote sensing satellite

Launch Time: 15:04 IST (9:34 UTC)

Launch Site: Maritime launching platform, Yellow Sea

Chinese commerical company Galactic Engery launched 4 small satellites called Tianqi into LOE for Internet of Things mission from a sea platform.

Launch Time: 8:17 IST(2:17 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-39A, Kennedy Space Center, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched 21 Starlink satellites

Launch Time: 19:55 IST(14:25 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-4E, Vandenberg SFB, California, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched 18 Tranche demonstration satellites for the U.S. military’s Space Development Agency. 

Launch Time: 11:50 IST (6:20 UTC)

Launch Site: Second Launch Pad, Satish Dhawan Space Centre, India

Re-Watch the launch HERE

ISRO launched Aditya L1 mission first space-based Indian observatory to study the Sun

Launch Time: 7:51 IST (2:21 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX 22 launched Starlink satellites

Launch Time: 13:06 IST (7:36 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-3, Xichang Satellite Launch Center, China

China to launch Long March 2D rocket carrying Yaogan 39 reconnaissance satellites

Launch Time: 6:35 IST (1:05 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX 22 launched Starlink satellites

Launch Time: 12:57 IST (7:27 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-39A, Kennedy Space Center, Florida, USA

Crew: Jasmin Moghbeli, Andreas Mogensen, Satoshi Furukawa and Konstantin Borisov

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX launched 7th Crew mission to the International Space Station.

Launch Time: 10:29 IST (4:59 UTC)

Launch Site: Site 95A, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China

Chinese commerical company Galactic Engery launched Ceres-1 carrying Jilin-1 commercial Earth observation satellites constellation

Launch Time: 5:15 IST(23:45 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-1A, Māhia Peninsula, New Zealand

Re-Watch the launch HERE

Rocket Lab launched Electron carrying Acadia Mission 1 a synthetic aperture radar(SAR)

Launch Time: 00:20 IST(18:50 UTC)

Launch Site: Pad 2, Sohae Satellite Launching Station, North Korea

North Korea launched Chollima-1 carrying a military reconnaissance satellite Malligyong-1 but failed to reach the orbit due a failure of third stage.

Launch Time: 6:38 IST (1:08 UTC)

Launch Site: Site 31/6, Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan

Russia launched cargo resupply mission International Space Station.

Launch Time: 15:07 IST (9:37 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-4E, Vandenberg SFB, California, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX launched 21 Starlink satellites

Launch Time: 23:15 IST (17:45 UTC)

Launch Site: SLS-2, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China

China launched Long March 3B/E rocket carrying LTDC-4A satellite a synthetic aperture radar

Launch Time: 9:06 IST (3:36 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX launched Starlink satellites

Launch Time: 11:02 IST (17:32 UTC)

Launch Site: Mobile Launcher Pad, Xichang Satellite Launch Center, China

Chinese private company CASIC to launched Kuaizhou 1A carrying 5 HEAD satellites a ship/traffic AIS tracking satellites.

Launch Time: 22:56 IST (17:26 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-2, Xichang Satellite Launch Center, China

China launched Long March 3B/E rocket carrying LTDC-4A satellite a synthetic aperture radar

Launch Time: 10:47 IST (5:17 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX launched Falcon 9 rocket carrying Starlink satellites

Launch Time: 4:40 IST (23:10 UTC)

Launch Site: Site 1S, Vostochny Cosmodrome, Russia

Russia launched Luna 25 a lunar lander mission and some other cubesats.

Launch Time: 20:47 IST(15:17 UTC)

Launch Site: VMS Eve, Spaceport America, New Mexico, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

Virgin Galactic  will launch second commerical manned mission.

Launch Time: 9:33 IST(4:03 UTC)

Launch Site: Site 95A, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China

Chinese commerical company Galactic Engery launched Ceres-7 on 7th mission carrying 7 satellites on a rideshare mission

Launch Time: 4:23 IST(20:53 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-9, Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center, China

China launch Long March 2C rocket carrying S-SAR a S-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar satellite

Launch Time: 9:27 IST(3:57 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-4E, Vandenberg SFB, California, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX launched 15 Starlink satellites

Launch Time: 18:50 IST (13:20 UTC)

Launch Site: Plesetsk Cosmodrome, Russia

Russian airforce launched Glonass K2 a radio based navigation satellite

Launch Time: 8:11 IST(2:41 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX launched 22 Starlink satellites

Launch Time: 10:30 IST(5:00 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX launched Galaxy 37 a radio satellite

Launch Time: 9:17 IST(3:47 UTC)

Launch Site: SLS-2, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China

China launched Long March 4C rocket carrying Fengyun 3F a weather satellite

Launch Time: 6:01 IST (12:31 UTC)

Launch Site: LP-0A, Wallops Flight Facility, Virginia, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

Northrop Grumman launched cargo resupply mission to ISS

Launch Time: 6:01 IST (12:31 UTC)

Launch Site: LP-0A, Wallops Flight Facility, Virginia, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

Northrop Grumman launched cargo resupply mission to ISS

Launch Time: 6:30 IST (1:00 UTC)

Launch Site: First Launch Pad, Satish Dhawan Space Centre, India

Re-Watch the launch HERE

ISRO launched PSLV rocket carrying DS-SAR is a Singaporean Synthetic Apeture Radar Earth observation satellite and 6 other small satellites

Launch Time: 8:34 IST(3:04 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-39A, Kennedy Space Center, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket launched EchoStar 24 communication satellite.

Launch Time: 9:31 IST(04:01 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX launched 22 Starlink satellites

Launch Time: 1:32 IST(2:02 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-3, Xichang Satellite Launch Center, China

China launched Long March 2D carrying 3 Yaogan 36 military reconnaissance satellites.

Launch Time: 6:20 IST(00:50 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX launched 22 Starlink satellites

Launch Time: 8:20 IST(2:50 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-9, Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center, China

China launched Long March 2D carrying 3 Skysight AS Earth observation satellite and 1 Lingxi a LEO communication satellite

Launch Time: 10:37 IST(5:07 UTC)

Launch Site: Site 95A, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China

Chinese commerical company Galactic Engery launched Ceres-1  carrying a Lemon tree satellite which is a technology demonstartion satellite.

Launch Time: 9:39 IST (4:09 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-4E, Vandenberg SFB, California, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX launched 15 Starlink satellites

Launch Time: 8:50 IST(3:20 UTC)

Launch Site: Site 95, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China

Chinese commerical company ExPace to launch Kuaizhou 1A carrying Tianmu-1 a small meterology research satellite

Launch Time: 6:57 IST(1:27 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-1A, Māhia Peninsula, New Zealand

Re-Watch the launch HERE

Rocket Lab launched Electron carrying multiple payload and recovered the first stage from sea.


NASA’s Starling mission, which consists of four cubsats to demonstrate technologies for future ‘swarm’ satellites.

LEO 3: 

Demonstration satellite for Space Flight Laborayr


Two 3U satellites for Spire Global, carrying Global Navigation Satellite System Radio Occultation (GNSS-RO) payloads which provide data to improve weather models and forecasts.

Launch Time: 9:20 IST(3:50 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX launched Falcon 9 carrying Starlink satellites

Launch Time: 14:35 IST(9:05 UTC)

Launch Site: Second Launch Pad, Satish Dhawan Space Centre, India

Re-Watch the launch HERE

ISRO launched Chandrayaan 3 a lunar exploration mission.

Launch Time: 6:30 IST(1:00 UTC)

Launch Site: Site 96, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China

Chinese commerical company Landspace launched ZhuQue-2 on its second test flight. This is the first successful use of methane/liquid oxygen-powered rocket engines to launch payload to into space

Launch Time: 9:28 IST(3:58 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX launched Falcon 9 carrying 22 Starlink satellites

Launch Time: 16:30 IST(11:00 UTC)

Launch Site: SLS-2, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China

China launched Long March 2C/YZ-1S rocket carrying 2 satellites officially described as “Satellite-Internet Technology Demonstration Satellite(s)”. Probable 1st test satellites for the Chinese state-owned LEO communication satellite constellation SatNet.

Launch Time: 00:59 IST(19:29 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-4E, Vandenberg SFB, California, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX launched Falcon 9 carrying Starlink satellites

Launch Time: 3:30 IST(22:00 UTC)

Launch Site: ELA-3, Guiana Space Centre, French Guiana, France

Re-Watch the launch HERE

Arianespace launched last flight of Ariane 5 carrying Syracuse 4B a communication satellite and Heinrich a communication technology testing satellite

Launch Time: 20:42 IST(15:12 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX launched Falcon 9 carrying Euclid Telescope a mission to map the geometery of the dark Univerese 

Launch Time: 20:58 IST(15:28 UTC)

Launch Site: VMS Eve, Spaceport America, New Mexico, USA

Crew: Walter Villadei, Pantaleone Carlucci, Angelo Landolfi, Colin Bennett

Virgin Galactic launched Galactic 01 mission the 5th manned spaceflight on a suborbital flight

Launch Time: 17:04 IST(11:34 UCT)

Launch Site: Site 1S, Vostochny Cosmodrome, Russia

Russia launched Soyuz 2.1b rocket carrying Meteor-M a next gen meteorological satellite to replace Meteor-3M series

Launch Time: 21:05 IST(15:35 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX launched Falcon 9 rocket carrying Starlink satellites

Launch Time: 14:48 IST (9:18 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-37B, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

United Launch Alliance Delta 4-Heavy rocket launched classified spy satellite cargo for the U.S. National Reconnaissance Office. This is the penultimate flight of a Delta 4 rocket.

Launch Time: 12:49 IST (7:19 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-4E, Vandenberg SFB, California, USA 

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX launched Falcon 9 rocket carrying Starlink satellites

Launch Time: 8:48 IST (3:18 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-16, Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center, China

Chinese Long March 6 launched Shiyan 25 a Earth observation satellite

Launch Time: 3:51 IST (22:21 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX launched Falcon 9 rocket carrying Satria an Indonesian communication satellite

Launch Time: 6:54 IST (01:24 UTC)

Launch Site: LP-0C, Wallops Flight Facility, Virginia, USA

Rocket Lab launched Suborbital Flight of HASTE Program

Launch Time: 11:00 AM IST (5:30 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-9, Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center, China

China launched Long March 2D rocket carrying 41 Jilin-1 commercial Earth observation satellite constellation

Launch Time: 3:05 AM IST (21:35 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-4E, Vandenberg SFB, California, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched 72 satellites on a rideshare mission

Launch Time: 12:40 IST(7:10 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched Starlink satellites

Launch Time: 8:05 IST(2:35 UTC)

Launch Site: Site 95A, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China

ExSpace a commerical Chinese space company to launched Kuaizhou 1A rocekt carrying Longjiang 3 a communication prototype satellite

Launch Time: 9:40 IST(4:10UTC)

Launch Site: Site 130, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China

CAS Space a commerical Chinese space company to launch Kinetica 1 carrying multiple payload

Launch Time: 21:17 IST(15:47UTC)

Launch Site: LC-39A, Kennedy Space Center, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched 28th cargo resupply mission to ISS

Launch Time: 17:50 IST(12:20 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched Starlink satellite

Launch Time: 11:32 IST(6:02 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-4E, Vandenberg SFB, California, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched Starlink satellite

Launch Time: 2:57 IST(21:27 UTC)

Launch Site: Pad 1, Sohae Satellite Launching Station, North Korea

North Korea launched Chollima-1 on its maiden flight but failed to reach orbit due to abnormal ignition of the second stage.

Launch Time: 7:01 IST(1:31 UTC)

Launch Site: SLS-1, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China

Crew: Jing Haipeng, Zhu Yangzhu and Gui Haichao

China launched 3 crew members to Tiangong space station

Launch Time: 10:42 IST(5:12 UTC)

Launch Site: Second Launch Pad, Satish Dhawan Space Centre, India

Re-Watch the launch HERE

ISRO launched NVS a global positioning constellation satellite

Launch Time: 10:00 (4:30 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched Arabsat 7B a telecommunication satellite

Launch Time: 2:44 IST (21:14 UTC)

Launch Site: Site 1S, Vostochny Cosmodrome, Russia

Russia launched Kondor-FKA a radar Earth observation satellite

Launch Time: 9:16 IST(3:46 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-1B, Māhia Peninsula, New Zealand

Re-Watch the launch HERE

Rocket Lab launched TROPICS(Time-Resolved Observations of Precipitation structure and storm Intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats) mission which provides rapid-refresh microwave measurements over the tropics that can be used to observe the thermodynamics of the troposphere and precipitation structure for storm systems at the mesoscale and synoptic scale over the entire storm lifecycle.

Launch Time: 21:53 IST(19:23 UTC)

Launch Site: VMS Eve, Spaceport America, New Mexico, USA

Virgin Galactic launched 5th crewed test flight testing the new SpaceShip Two

Launch Time: 14:54 IST(9:24 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-2, Naro Space Center, South Korea

South Korea launched NESTSat 2 a X-band radar technology demonstration and other payload.

SNIPE A to D – SNIPE (Small scale magNetospheric and Ionospheric Plasma Experiment) a South Korean mission for identifying temporal and spatial variation of small scale plasma structures in the ionosphere and magnetosphere.

JLC-101-v1-2 – Earth-Observation Technology Demonstration Cubesat

Lumir-T1 – Cosmic Radiation Monitoring Cubesat

KSAT3U – Earth Observation and Weather Monitoring Cubesat

Launch Time: 18:26 IST(12:56 UTC)

Launch Site: Site 31/6, Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan

Re-Watch the launch HERE

Russia launched cargo resupply mission to ISS

Launch Time: 3:07 IST(21:37 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-39A, Kennedy Space Center, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

Crew: NASA astronaut Peggy Whitson. Paying passenger John Shoffner will serve as pilot of the mission. Two commercial space fliers from Saudi Arabia, Ali AlQarni and Rayyanah Barnaw

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched 2nd Axiom mission to the space station

Launch Time: 13:30 IST(8:00 UTC)

Launch Site: SLS-2, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China

China launched Long March 2C rocket launched Macau Science Satellite-1 (MUST-1A/B) are 2 magnetosphere research satellites from the Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST) aiming to study the different layers of the Earth’s magnetosphere system and Luojia-2 a  Earth observation Synthetic-aperture radar satellite

Launch Time: 18:46 IST(13:16 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-4E, Vandenberg SFB, California, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched Iridium and OneWeb satellites.

Launch Time: 11:49 IST(6:19 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched Starlink satellites.

Launch Time: 8:19 IST (3:49 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-2, Xichang Satellite Launch Center, China

China launched Beidou-3 a GPS satellite

Launch Time: 10:33 AM IST (5:03 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched Starlink satellites.

Launch Time: 1:39 IST(20:09 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-4E, Vandenberg SFB, California, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched Starlink satellites.

Launch Time: 18:52 IST(13:22 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-201, Wenchang Satellite Launch Center, China

Chinese Long March 7 rocket launched cargo resupply mission to its new space station

Launch Time: 6:30 IST(1:00 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-1B, Māhia Peninsula, New Zealand

Re-Watch the launch HERE

Rocket Lab launched TROPICS(Time-Resolved Observations of Precipitation structure and storm Intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats) mission which provides rapid-refresh microwave measurements over the tropics that can be used to observe the thermodynamics of the troposphere and precipitation structure for storm systems at the mesoscale and synoptic scale over the entire storm lifecycle.

Launch Time: 13:01 IST(7:31 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched Starlink satellites.

Launch Time: 5:56 IST(00:26 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-39A, Kennedy Space Center, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket launched the ViaSat 3 Americas broadband communications satellite.

Launch Time: 3:42 IST(22:12 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched the second two O3b mPOWER broadband internet satellites into Medium Earth Orbit for SES of Luxembourg. The satellites, built by Boeing, will provide internet services over most of the populated world, building on SES’s O3b network. 

Launch Time: 19:10 IST(13:40UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-4E, Vandenberg SFB, California, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Launched 46 Starlink Satellite

Launch Time: 14:19 IST(8:49 UTC)

Launch Site: First Launch Pad, Satish Dhawan Space Centre, India

Re-Watch the launch HERE

ISRO launched PSLVXL rocket carrying TeLEOS-2 a Singaporean Earth Observation Satellite.

Launch Time: 20:01 IST(14:31 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched Starlink satellites

Launch Time: 7:06 IST(1:36 UTC)

Launch Site: SLS-2, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China

China launched Long March 4B rocket carrying Fengyun 3G a Low Earth Orbit precipitation measurement satellite.

Launch Time: 12:18 IST(6:48 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-4E, Vandenberg SFB, California, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 launched rideshare mission Transporter 7

Launch Time: 17:44 IST(12:14 UTC)

Launch Site: ELA-3, Guiana Space Centre, French Guiana, France

Re-Watch the launch HERE

Arianespace used Ariane 5 ECA rocket, designated VA261, to launch the European Space Agency’s Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer mission, or JUICE. The JUICE spacecraft, built by Airbus, will make detailed observations of the giant gas planet and its three large ocean-bearing moons — Ganymede, Callisto and Europa — with a suite of remote sensing, geophysical and in situ instruments. JUICE will enter orbit around Jupiter in July 2031. 

Launch Time: 9:59 IST(4:29 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched Intelsat 40e and REMPO A NASA’s Tropopsheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution an Earth science instrument that will observe air pollution over North America

Launch Time: 9:30 IST(4:00 UTC)

Launch Site: Site 95, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China

Chinese commercial company i-Space to launch Hyperbola-1 carrying a dummy payload on a test flight

Launch Time: 19:59  IST(14:29 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-4E, Vandenberg SFB, California, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched Transport & Tracking satellites for US military

Launch Time: 14:18 IST(8:48 UTC)

Launch Site: Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China

Chinese commerical company Space Pioneer launched Tianlong 2 on its first demo flight

Launch Time: 11:57 IST(6:27 UTC)

Launch Site: SLS-2, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China

China to launch Long March 4C rocket launched Yaogan 34 a optical remote sensing satellite

Launch Time: 16:20 IST(10:50 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-9, Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center, China

China to launch Long March 2D rocket launched PIESAT-1 a synthetic aperture radar Earth observation satellite

Launch Time: 1:31 IST(20:01 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket will launch Starlink internet satellites

Launch Time: 1:27 IST(19:57 UTC)

Launch Site: Site 43/4, Plesetsk Cosmodrome, Russia

Russian air force launched reconnaissance satellite

Launch Time: 4:40 IST(23:10 UTC)

Launch Site: Pad 1, Palmachim Airbase, Israel

Isarel launched Ofek-13 a Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR) reconnaissance satellite

Launch Time: 9:00 IST(3:30 UTC)

Launch Site: Second Launch Pad, Satish Dhawan Space Centre, India

Re-Watch the launch HERE

ISRO launched OneWeb internet satellites

Launch Time: 21:03 IST(15:33 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched Starlink internet satellites

Launch Time: 14:22 IST(9:14 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-1B, Māhia Peninsula, New Zealand

Re-Watch the launch HERE

Rocket Lab launched The Beat Foes On mission carrying Blacksky 9 and 10 a high resolution earth observation satellite

Launch Time: 12:30 IST(6:40 UTC)

Launch Site: Site 43/4, Plesetsk Cosmodrome, Russia

Russian Air Force to launch Cosmos 2567 a reconnaissance satellite 

Launch Time: 8:55 IST(3:25 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-16, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

Relativity Space launched its first test flight of Terran 1, an entirely 3D-printed rocket but failed to reach orbit due to 2nd stage failure shortly after ignition.

Launch Time: 14:39 IST(9:09 UTC)

Launch Site: Site 95, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China

Chinese commerical company ExPace launched Tianmu-1 a small meteorology research satellite 

Launch Time: 5:08 IST(23:38 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched SES 18 & 19 communication satellite

Launch Time: 00:56 IST(19:26 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-4E, Vandenberg SFB, California, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched Starlink internet satellites

Launch Time: 14:03 IST(8:33 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-2, Xichang Satellite Launch Center, China

China launched Long March 3B/E rocket carrying Gaofen 13 a series of geostationary Earth observation satellite in the Gaofen series of Chinese civilian remote sensing satellites.

Launch Time: 4:08 UTC(22:38 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-2 (LP-0C), Wallops Flight Facility, Virginia, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

Rocket Lab launched Stronger Together mission carrying  Capella 9 and 10 a radar satellite 

Launch Time: 17:11 IST(11:41 UTC)

Launch Site: SLS-95, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China

China launched Long March 11 rocket carrying Shiyan 19 a earth observation satellite

Launch Time: 6:00 IST(00:30 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-39A, Kennedy Space Center, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched cargo resupply mission to the ISS

Launch Time: 9:32 IST(4:02 UTC)

Launch Site: SLS-2, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China

China launched Long March 2C rocket carrying Horus 2 is a remote sensing satellite for the Egyptian Space Agency

Launch Time: 4:43 IST(23:13 UTC)

Launch Site: Site 81/24, Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan

Russia launched Olymp-K a military communiation satellite

Launch Time: 4:11 IST(22:41 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-9, Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center, China

China launched Long March 4C rocket carrying Tianhui-6 A/B for cartography purposes

Launch Time: 00:43 IST(19:13 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the Launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched OneWeb internet satellites

Launch Time: 7:07 IST(1:37 UTC)

Launch Site: LA-Y2, Tanegashima Space Center, Japan

Re-Watch the Launch HERE

Japan launched H3-22 rocket carrying ALOS-3 a advanced optical satellite but failed to reach the orbit

Launch Time: 00:08 IST(18:38 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-4E, Vandenberg SFB, California, USA

Re-Watch the Launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched Starlink internet satellites

Launch Time: 11:04 IST(5:34 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-39A, Kennedy Space Center, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the Launch HERE

Crew: NASA astronauts Stephen Bowen, Warren “Woody” Hoburg, UAE astronaut Sultan Al Neyadi, and Russian cosmonaut Andrey Fedyaev

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched 6th crewed spaceflight to International Space Station

Launch Time: 4:43 IST(23:13 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the Launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched Starlink internet satellites

Launch Time: 9:31 IST(4:01 UTC)

Launch Site: SLS-2, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China

Chinese Long March 2C rocket launched Horus 1 is a remote sensing satellite for an unknown customer developed by Aerospace Dongfanghong Satellite

Launch Time: 5:54 IST(00:24 UTC)

Launch Site: Site 31/6, Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan

Re-Watch the Launch HERE

Roscosmos launched a new Soyuz without a crew. It will automatically dock to the ISS to replace the MS-22 Soyuz capsule, which suffered a leak caused by a micrometeoroid impact that created a hole with a diameter less than 1 millimeter.

Launch Time: 17:19 IST(11:49 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-2, Xichang Satellite Launch Center, China

Chinese Long March 3B/E rocket launched ChinaSat 26 a communication satellite

Launch Time: 9:29 IST(3:59 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the Launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched Inmarsat I-6 F2 a communication satellite

Launch Time: 0:42 IST(7:12 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-4E, Vandenberg SFB, California, USA

Re-Watch the Launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched Starlink internet satellites

Launch Time: 10:40 IST(5:10 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the Launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched Starlink internet satellites

Launch Time: 9:18 IST(3:48 UTC)

Launch Site: First Launch Pad, Satish Dhawan Space Centre, India

Re-Watch the Launch HERE

India launched second demo flight of SSLV rocket carrying Earth Observation Satelliet(EOS-07) and Janus-1, AzaadiSAT-2 satellite

Launch Time: 11:45 IST(6:15 UTC)

Launch Site: Site 31/6, Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan

Re-Watch the Launch HERE

Russia launched the Progress MS-21 cargo resupply mission to the International Space Station.

Launch Time: 7:02 IST(1:32 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the Launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched Amazonas Nexus a communication satellite

Launch Time: 14:42 IST(9:12 UTC)

Launch Site: Site 81/24, Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan

Re-Watch the Launch HERE

Russian space agency Roscosmos launched Elektro L a geostationary weather satellite

Launch Time: 13:28 IST(7:58 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-39A, Kennedy Space Center, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the Launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched another batch of Starlink internet satellites

Launch Time: 21:45 IST(16: 15UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-4E, Vandenberg SFB, California, USA

Re-Watch the Launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched another batch of Starlink internet satellites and ION SCV009 Eclectic Elena

Launch Time: 15:02 IST(9:32 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the Launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched another batch of Starlink internet satellites

Launch Time: 7:20 IST(1:50 UTC)

Launch Site: LA-Y1, Tanegashima Space Center, Japan

Japan launched IGS-Radar 7 reconnaissance satellite. The satellite serves both Japan’s national defense and civil natural disaster monitoring.

Launch Time: 4:30 AM IST(23:00 UTC)

Launch Site: Rocket Lab LC-2, Wallops Flight Facility, Virginia, USA

Re-Watch the Launch HERE

Rocket Lab to launch HawkEye 360 a radio frequency geospatial analytics provider 

Launch Time: 21:19 IST(15:43UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-4E, Vandenberg SFB, California, USA

Re-Watch the Launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched another batch of Starlink internet satellites

Launch Time: 17:54 IST(12:24 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the Launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched the U.S. Space Force’s sixth third-generation navigation satellite for the Global Positioning System.

Launch Time: 4:26 ICT(22:56 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-39A, Kennedy Space Center, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the Launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket launched USSF 67 a classified mission for US Space Force

Launch Time: 8:44 IST(3:14 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-9, Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center, China

Chinese Long March 2D rocket to launch Jilin-1 Earth observation satellite, Qilu 2/3 a optical Earth observation satellite and other satellites

Launch Time: 12:30 IST(7:00 UTC)

Launch Site: SLS-1, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China

Chinese Long March 2D rocket to launch Yaogan 37 a military reconnaissance satellite and Shiyan 22A/ Earth observation satellites

Launch Time: 23:40 IST(18:10 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-3, Xichang Satellite Launch Center, China

Chinese Long March 2C rocket launched APStar 6E a communication satellite

Launch Time: 4:57 IST(23:27 UTC)

Launch Site: LP-3C, Pacific Spaceport Complex, Kodiak, Alaska, USA

ABL SS launched there RS1 rocket on its first test flight carrying 2 L2 Aerospace 6U CubeSats but launch failed.

Launch Time: 10:20 IST(4:50 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the Launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket to launch another batch of OneWeb internet satellites

Launch Time: 4:38 IST(23:08 UTC)

Launch Site: Spaceport Cornwall, Newquay Airport in Cornwall, United Kingdom

Re-Watch the Launch HERE

Virgin Orbit launched launcher one carrying Prometheus 2 a two 6U CubeSat but failed to reach the orbit due to a anomaly. 

Launch Time: 10:34 IST (5:04 UTC)

Launch Site: Site 95, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China

Chinese commercial space company Galactic Energy launched Ceres-1 carrying 5 different satellites on a unknown purpose.

Launch Time: 3:30 IST(22:00 UTC)

Launch Site: LC-201, Wenchang Satellite Launch Center, China

Chinese Long March 7A rocket launched Shijian 23 a experimental High-throughput communication satellite and Shiyan 22A/B a spatial environmental monitoring satellite

Launch Time: 20:25 IST(14:55 UTC)

Launch Site: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

Re-Watch the Launch HERE

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched Transporter 6 rideshare mission.

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